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How to become a Java developer: Skills & career guide

Question: Which of the following are true about the Java programming language?

  1. Java is an object-oriented programming language.  
  2. It supports “write once, run anywhere” functionality.  
  3. Java features automatic garbage collection for memory management.  
  4. The language emphasizes security and robust exception handling.  
  5. Java was originally developed at Sun Microsystems in the early 1990s


All of the above!

Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language designed to have minimal implementation dependencies, allowing developers to write code that runs on any platform that supports Java. A wide range of applications—from Android apps, to web apps, to big data technologies like Hadoop—run on Java, making it a valuable language for aspiring and early-career developers to master.

This is reflected in the job market too. Java programming is one of today’s most in-demand skills—and one facing a shortage of qualified talent. A recent McKinsey study found that there are fewer qualified Java developers than there are next-gen software development roles requiring Java skills. 

Becoming a Java developer requires mastering language-specific programming concepts, frameworks, and tools—both in theory and in practice. Platforms like CodeSignal Learn provide hands-on, practice-based learning experiences that can help you grasp Java fundamentals and write code that solves realistic, job-relevant problems. By engaging with these resources and gaining practical experience, you’ll be well on your way to landing your first role as a Java developer.

In this article, we will guide you through the key skills and career strategies needed to succeed on your journey to becoming a Java developer. Let’s get started.

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What is a Java developer? Definition, roles, and job outlook

What does a Java developer do?

A Java developer plays an important role in the software development lifecycle that is focused primarily on Java application development. They are responsible for carrying out a variety of Java programming tasks, which could include designing, coding, and testing applications. 

In the realm of backend development, Java developers create robust server-side components to ensure efficient data handling and performance. Additionally, they often collaborate with cross-functional teams by working alongside designers, testers, and project managers to deliver high-quality software solutions that meet user needs and business objectives.

Java developer role requirements & responsibilities

The responsibilities of a Java developer can vary significantly between entry-level and senior positions. An entry-level Java developer typically focuses on basic duties such as writing code, debugging, and assisting in the development of Java applications. As developers gain experience and transition to senior Java developer tasks, they take on more complex challenges, including architectural design and mentoring junior team members. Regardless of their level, Java application/software developer roles and responsibilities encompass essential activities like code optimization and testing, ensuring that applications run efficiently and meet performance standards. 

What qualifications do you typically need to become a Java developer?

To become a Java developer, it can help to have an educational background in computer science or a related field, although a formal degree is not always required. Degrees or certifications can provide foundational knowledge, but practical experience often holds greater value in the tech industry. 

Essential technical skills include proficiency in Java, understanding of frameworks like Spring or Hibernate, and familiarity with database management. Demonstrating programming experience through a portfolio of Java projects can boost your attractiveness to employers, too. A portfolio showcases real-world applications of your skills—both your technical expertise and your problem-solving abilities in Java development.

Can you become a Java developer without a degree?

Yes, you can become a Java developer without a degree by pursuing alternative education paths. Many aspiring developers become self-taught through online courses and bootcamps that focus on practical skills. In the tech industry, skills often take precedence over formal education, which allows motivated individuals to succeed in Java development through dedicated practice and hands-on experience.

Can you become a Java developer without previous experience in software engineering or IT?

Absolutely. You can transition to a career as a Java developer even without previous experience; it will just require additional time to learn and master fundamental programming skills. By learning programming basics and dedicating time to mastering Java syntax, newcomers can build basic skill proficiency that prepares them for entry-level opportunities. Plus, many companies value enthusiasm and a willingness to learn, which makes it possible for less experienced candidates to break into the field.

What kind of companies employ Java developers?

Java developers are in high demand across various industries, as their skills are crucial for building robust applications and systems. Many companies leverage Java’s versatility to enhance their operations and improve user experiences. Here are some of the key sectors that employ Java developers:

  • Tech Companies (including startups): Tech companies, from established giants like Google and Amazon to innovative startups, utilize Java for its reliability and scalability in developing web applications, mobile apps, and cloud-based services. Startups often look for versatile Java developers who can adapt quickly to changing project needs.
  • Financial Institutions: Banks and financial services firms rely heavily on Java to build secure and efficient systems for transaction processing, risk management, and data analytics. Java’s strong performance and security features make it a preferred choice for developing applications that handle sensitive financial data.
  • Healthcare Organizations: Healthcare providers and technology firms in the medical field employ Java developers to create applications for patient management, telemedicine, and electronic health records (EHR) systems. These applications must comply with strict regulations; Java’s robustness and security serves well here to safeguard patient information.
  • Government Agencies: Various government agencies use Java for developing applications that manage public services, data processing, and citizen engagement platforms. Java’s stability and support for large-scale systems make it ideal for projects that require long-term maintenance and reliable performance.

What skills do you need to become a Java developer?

Proficiency in Java 

To become a successful Java developer, you should start by building a solid foundation in basic skills related to the Java programming language. Familiarity with Java SE (Standard Edition) is important, as it encompasses the core components of Java development. Understanding the syntax and semantics of Java allows developers to write clear and effective code. Key areas of knowledge include:

  • Data types and variables: Knowing how to declare and use different data types is fundamental for storing and manipulating information.
  • Operators and control flow: Proficiency in operators and control flow statements (like loops and conditionals) enables developers to manage program execution effectively.
  • Exception handling: Mastering exception handling is vital for building robust applications that can gracefully manage errors.

Additionally, a Java developer should be familiar with the Java Development Kit (JDK) for developing applications, the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for executing Java applications, and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which allows Java programs to run on any device with the appropriate environment. 

Learning tip: New to Java? The Java Programming for Beginners learning path in CodeSignal Learn, which provides a thorough introduction to Java syntax and fundamental programming concepts, is a great place to start 

Understanding of object-oriented programming concepts

Understanding Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts is vital for any Java developer, as these principles help in designing modular and reusable code. Key OOP concepts in Java include:

  • Classes and objects: Classes serve as blueprints for creating objects, which are instances of classes that encapsulate data and behavior.
  • Inheritance and interfaces: Inheritance allows a new class to inherit properties and methods from an existing class, promoting code reuse. Interfaces define contracts for classes, enabling multiple inheritance and ensuring consistent method implementations across different classes.
  • Encapsulation: This principle involves bundling data (attributes) and methods (functions) that operate on the data within a class, restricting access to the internal state and protecting object integrity.
  • Polymorphism: Polymorphism enables objects to be treated as instances of their parent class, allowing for method overriding and dynamic method resolution, which enhances flexibility in code.
  • Abstraction: Abstraction simplifies complex systems by exposing only the essential features while hiding the underlying implementation details, making it easier to manage code complexity.
  • Constructors and methods: Constructors are special methods used to initialize objects, while methods define the behavior of objects, enabling them to perform specific actions.
  • Access modifiers: Access modifiers (such as public, private, and protected) control the visibility of classes, methods, and variables, ensuring that the internal workings of a class are hidden from outside interference.

Learning tip: Dive deeper into OOP concepts with CodeSignal Learn’s Mastering Design Patterns with Java learning path. This series of 5 courses takes you through key OOP concepts, as well as creational, structural, and behavioral patterns in Java. 

Knowledge of Java frameworks

Java frameworks play a key role in streamlining the development process by providing pre-built templates and tools. Understanding popular Java frameworks is essential for any Java developer. Commonly-used frameworks include:

  • Spring Framework: A comprehensive framework that facilitates enterprise-level application development by providing a robust programming and configuration model. It supports various programming paradigms, making it highly versatile.
  • Spring Boot: A streamlined version of the Spring Framework that simplifies the setup and development of new Spring applications. It allows developers to create stand-alone, production-grade applications with minimal configuration.
  • Hibernate ORM: An Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that simplifies database interactions by mapping Java objects to database tables. This framework allows for easier data manipulation and retrieval without writing complex SQL queries.
  • Java Persistence API (JPA): A specification that provides a standard way to manage relational data in Java applications. JPA works seamlessly with Hibernate, enabling developers to define object-relational mappings and manage entity states.
  • Dependency injection: A core concept in the Spring Framework that promotes loose coupling by allowing the framework to manage dependencies between classes. This leads to more modular and testable code.
  • Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture: A design pattern supported by the Spring Framework that separates application logic into three interconnected components: the model, view, and controller. This separation enhances code organization and scalability.
  • Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP): A programming paradigm that allows developers to separate cross-cutting concerns, such as logging and security, from the main business logic. AOP in Spring helps to reduce code duplication and improve maintainability.

Familiarity with build tools

Build tools are essential for automating the process of compiling code, managing dependencies, and packaging applications. Key build tools in the Java ecosystem include:

  • Maven: A widely-used build automation tool that focuses on dependency management and project structure, allowing developers to define project configurations in a standardized format.
  • Gradle: Known for its flexibility and performance, Gradle combines the best features of Maven and Ant, enabling developers to write build scripts in Groovy or Kotlin for more expressive configuration.
  • Ant: An older yet reliable build tool that uses XML-based build scripts to define tasks and manage dependencies, making it suitable for simpler projects.

These tools facilitate dependency management, ensuring that all necessary libraries and frameworks are included in a project. They also support Continuous Integration (CI) practices by automating builds and tests, promoting a more efficient development workflow.

Version control systems

Version control systems manage code changes and facilitate collaboration among developers. Git, coupled with platforms like GitHub, is the most popular version control system in the Java ecosystem. Key features of Git and GibHub include:

  • Branching and merging: Git allows developers to create branches to work on new features or fixes independently, which can later be merged back into the main codebase.
  • Commit and rollback: Developers can commit changes to the version history, and if needed, easily rollback to previous states, ensuring a safeguard against errors.
  • Pull requests: This feature enables developers to propose changes, facilitating code reviews and discussions before merging code into the main branch.

By maintaining a detailed version history, Git helps teams track modifications and understand the evolution of a project. Additionally, version control supports various collaboration workflows, allowing teams to work with less friction.

Testing and debugging skills

Testing and debugging skills are critical for Java developers to ensure code quality and reliability. A solid understanding of testing frameworks and debugging techniques is essential. Key components include:

  • JUnit: A widely-used testing framework in Java that enables developers to write and run repeatable tests, making it easier to verify that code behaves as expected.
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD): This development approach emphasizes writing tests before implementing code, promoting better design and facilitating early bug detection.
  • Debugging techniques: Familiarity with various debugging techniques, such as breakpoints and step-through debugging, helps developers identify and resolve issues efficiently.
  • Logging frameworks (Log4j, SLF4J): These frameworks provide essential logging capabilities, allowing developers to track application behavior and diagnose problems in real-time.
  • Exception handling: Properly managing exceptions is crucial for building robust applications, as it prevents crashes and allows developers to handle errors gracefully.
  • Code coverage tools: Tools that measure how much of the code is tested can help developers identify untested paths and improve the overall reliability of their applications.

Functional programming

To excel in functional programming as a Java developer, build your skills in these key areas:

  • Foundations of functions: Understand function overloading, which allows multiple methods with the same name but different parameters. Familiarize yourself with polymorphism for method behavior depending on object types and recursion for functions that call themselves.
  • Functional interfaces: Learn to use functional interfaces, which are single-method interfaces that enable lambda expressions, allowing you to pass behavior as parameters, making your code more concise and readable.
  • Stream API: Familiarize yourself with the Stream API for processing sequences of elements, enabling functional-style operations like filtering, mapping, and reducing data in a declarative manner.
  • Advanced functional programming techniques: Explore concepts such as currying (transforming a function with multiple arguments into a sequence of functions), partial application (fixing a number of arguments to a function), function composition (combining functions to create new ones), and higher-order functions (functions that take other functions as parameters or return them).

Learning tip: The best way to learn is by doing. Put these concepts into practice with CodeSignal Learn’s Functional Programming in Java learning path: a series of 5 courses that build your skills in all of the topics above.

4 routes for becoming a Java developer in 2024 and beyond

There are a variety of routes available for becoming a Java developer, especially with the rise of new learning options that cater to diverse backgrounds. As future job market trends more and more favor adaptability and continuous learning, aspiring developers can take advantage of remote learning opportunities, like online courses and coding bootcamps, to build their skills. With evolving technologies shaping the landscape, those committed to staying updated will find ample opportunities to thrive in the Java development field.

1. Pursuing a degree program in computer science or information technology

Obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in computer science can support your journey to becoming a Java developer by providing a solid foundation in key concepts. A comprehensive computer science curriculum typically includes essential topics such as algorithms and data structures—crucial for writing efficient code. Additionally, exposure to software engineering principles and systems design prepares graduates to tackle complex projects, while specific Java programming courses equip them with the necessary skills to excel in Java development and meet industry demands.

2. Earning Java certifications & credentials

Earning certifications can greatly enhance your qualifications as a Java developer by validating your skills and knowledge in the field. For instance, obtaining the Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) or Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) certifications demonstrates a solid understanding of Java fundamentals and best practices, while the Oracle Certified Master (OCM) certification showcases advanced expertise. Additionally, many certification programs offer exam preparation resources to help you succeed, and the credential validity and renewal processes ensure that your skills remain current. Specialized certifications, such as those focusing on Java EE, further differentiate you in the job market and highlight your commitment to professional development.

3. Enrolling in online courses and bootcamps

Online courses and coding bootcamps provide flexible and accessible pathways for aspiring Java developers to gain essential skills. Platforms like CodeSignal Learn offer structured curricula that cover key Java concepts while emphasizing project-based learning, allowing students to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. These immersive experiences not only facilitate a deeper understanding of Java programming but also enable learners to build a portfolio of projects that can be showcased to potential employers, enhancing their job readiness in the competitive tech industry.

Learning tip: Have a coding interview in Java coming up? There are online courses designed specifically to help you prepare! Mastering Algorithms and Data Structures in Java in CodeSignal Learn helps you learn and practice the skills needed for technical coding interviews at top-tier companies. 

4. Attending industry events and networking with professional Java developers

Attending industry events and networking is invaluable for aspiring Java developers, as it provides opportunities to connect with professionals and stay updated on the latest trends. Events like the JavaOne Conference and various tech seminars and webinars offer insights from industry leaders and facilitate discussions on emerging technologies. Engaging with Meetup groups and participating in the open-source community can also enhance your skills and expand your network, while professional networking platforms like LinkedIn allow you to showcase your expertise and connect with potential mentors. Additionally, seeking speaking opportunities and presentations at these events can further establish your presence in the Java development community.

Frequently asked questions

How hard is it to become a Java developer?

Becoming a Java developer can be challenging, but the difficulty often depends on your prior programming experience and the time investment you are willing to make. The learning curve for Java can be steep due to the complexity of the language and its extensive ecosystem, which includes frameworks and tools. However, there are many resources available for beginners, such as online courses, tutorials, and coding bootcamps, which make the learning process less daunting.

How long does it typically take to become a Java developer?

The time it typically takes to become a Java developer can vary widely based on several factors, including your prior experience and the learning duration you choose. For individuals engaging in full-time learning through accelerated programs, it may take around three to six months to gain the necessary skills, while part-time learners might require a year or more to reach a similar level of proficiency. 

How can I start a career in Java development?

To start a career in Java development, begin by learning Java basics through online courses, coding bootcamps, or other resources that cover foundational concepts. As you build your skills, focus on creating a portfolio that showcases your projects and demonstrates your proficiency in Java. Networking can also help; attend industry events, join Meetup groups, and connect with professionals on platforms like LinkedIn to expand your opportunities. Finally, actively apply for entry-level jobs to gain real-world experience and further develop your skills in a professional environment.

Can you pursue a career in Java development through online courses?

Yes, you can pursue a career in Java development through online courses, which have become a viable option for many aspiring developers. These courses often offer recognized certifications that can enhance your resume and provide credibility with employers. With self-paced learning, you can tailor your study schedule to fit your needs and dive deeper into concepts as needed. Still, it’s important to supplement your online education with practical experience, like internships or personal projects, to reinforce your skills and demonstrate your competence in real-world scenarios.

Learning tip: Set yourself up to do your best in your next coding assessment or interview with the Fundamental Coding Interview Preparation with Java (for early career developers) and Advanced Coding Interview Preparation with Java (for mid- to senior-level developers) in CodeSignal Learn. 

What is the typical salary range for a Java developer?

The typical salary range for a Java developer in the United States varies based on factors such as experience level, geographic location, and industry demand. As of 2024, average salaries for Java developers are around $90,000, with entry-level positions starting at approximately $72,200 and senior positions reaching up to $139,000. Geographic differences also play a significant role; developers in tech hubs like San Francisco may earn significantly more than those in other regions. Even in today’s unstable tech hiring market, demand for skilled Java developers remains high​.

Accelerate your Java developer career with CodeSignal Learn

In this article, we explored the key skills necessary for becoming a Java developer, including mastering foundational programming concepts, functional programming techniques, and Java frameworks and tools. We also discussed the relevance of testing and debugging skills, as well as the various routes to enter the field.

To take your Java skills to the next level, check CodeSignal Learn is a free and easy way to begin. This platform offers a fun and interactive way to build your coding abilities, and includes a built-in AI tutor and guide to help you when you get stuck. Whether you’re looking to strengthen your fundamentals or prepare for interviews, CodeSignal Learn has learning paths specifically designed to help get you where you want to go. Dive in and start exploring the resources available, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a professional Java developer.