Are you a front-end or full-stack developer who frequently uses popular JavaScript and CSS libraries such as React, Underscore, and Font Awesome? Or are you currently hiring engineers who do? We have exciting news for you — managing various frontend libraries has become even more seamless and powerful on CodeSignal.
Developer job candidates who are tackling front-end coding tasks on CodeSignal can benefit from leveraging front-end libraries, files, or pieces of pre-written code that help save a lot of time when coding. Now, you can easily manage those powerful libraries anytime while solving front-end tasks on your own time or participating in live coding interviews.
Feature Highlights
Add a library of your choice
- Simply search and find your favorite libraries or add a URL directly, all within the CodeSignal IDE
- The libraries will be added to the head of the HTML document as script or style tags
Edit your library list
- Reorder your installed libraries by just dragging them
- Click the delete icon to remove any installed libraries you don’t want
View the library source
- View the source code of the library by clicking the link next to your library name
With CodeSignal, you can measure front-end skills easily and provide an outstanding candidate experience throughout your interview process.