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From high-volume to hard-to-fill, you’ve got this

Streamline your hiring process and hire top technical talent, faster

Scale technical evaluations and wow your candidates

Broaden your reach

Send CodeSignal evaluations to your entire candidate pipeline to quickly identify top talent.

Increase diversity

Reduce hiring bias with objective, research-backed technical skill evaluations.

Make the right hires

Build a hiring process with results you can trust using CodeSignal’s validated evaluations.
Increase in onsite to offer rate
Candidates evaluated with the same resources

Features that recruiters love

Add CodeSignal evaluations seamlessly into your hiring process with deep integrations

Use one platform for your entire recruiting process and for all of your technical hires—from early-career to senior-level and specialized roles
Measure candidates’ objective skills accurately with data-driven evaluations and robust coding reports

Build an industry-leading process with key performance metrics and benchmarks for each assessment with CodeSignal Analytics


Whether it’s a Pre-Screen or live Interview, the CodeSignal Hire suite provides all the tools candidates need to show real-world skills. Choose from 70+ supported languages and frameworks, including:

Hire for in-demand tech roles

Evaluate any technical candidate—including specialized and senior-level roles—using the CodeSignal skills platform.

  • Data Scientist
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Data Engineer
  • Backend Engineer
  • Front-end Engineer
  • Site Reliability Engineer
  • Full-Stack Engineer
  • React Developer
  • iOS Engineer
  • Android Engineer
  • DevOps
  • QA/Test Engineer
  • Cloud Engineer
  • Cloud Security Engineer

All of your favorite tools, connected

Send CodeSignal assessments, schedule interviews, view Coding Reports, and more–all from within Greenhouse.
Send CodeSignal assessments, schedule interviews, view Coding Reports, and more–all from within Lever.
Send your candidates CodeSignal assessment invitations and schedule coding interviews directly from iCIMS.
Invite your candidates to take a CodeSignal evaluation from the Oracle ATS.
Invite your candidates to take a CodeSignal evaluation from the Workday ATS.
Invite your candidates to take a CodeSignal evaluation from the Taleo ATS.
Invite your candidates to take a CodeSignal evaluation from the Workable ATS.
Invite your candidates to take a CodeSignal evaluation from the JazzHR ATS.
LinkedIn Talent Hub
Send CodeSignal assessment invitations and view Coding Reports from LinkedIn Talent Hub.

By incorporating CodeSignal into our process and having a large number of folks opt into it, either passive candidates or applicants, we’re able to free up roughly 40 to 60 percent of our engineers’ time.

Michael Leggett

Tech Recruiter at Outreach

CodeSignal is helping us realize a goal of making our recruiting process inclusive and objective. It has helped improve efficiency and increased the quality of our decision making.

Joel Baroody

Head of Recruiting at Brex

CodeSignal has done amazing things to help us run structured, remote-friendly interview processes.

Ariana Moon

Head of Talent Planning & Acquisition at Greenhouse

Industry leaders trust CodeSignal


Let's talk about tech hiring

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