Align evaluations to your roles with expert support
Build a hiring process with results you can trust. We'll work with you to determine which of CodeSignal's research-backed and fully-maintained assessments will be most predictive for your roles.
Ditch the resume screens and hone in on skilled candidates early with our top-of-funnel assessments for high-volume pipelines.
Build a hiring process with results you can trust. We'll work with you to determine which of CodeSignal's research-backed and fully-maintained assessments will be most predictive for your roles.
Send Pre-Screens to your entire candidate pipeline to quickly identify top talent. CodeSignal Pre-Screen is the only solution designed for high-volume candidate pipelines like university recruiting.
Eliminate question leak concerns and save engineering time spent maintaining questions with our data-backed Certified Evaluations.
Online proctoring, ID verification, and multiple plagiarism checks prevent cheating and increase your confidence in candidates’ results.
Compare a candidate’s skill level against the global developer population with our predictive Coding Score and detailed Coding Report.
“Partnering with CodeSignal has helped us to manage a very high volume of interest from candidates in our process and quickly assess their technical acumen, without using a ton of engineering hours.”
Nadia Abouzaid, Head of Diversity Talent Programs at Asana
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