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Fostering a data-driven recruiting culture

As a recruiter, have you introduced data into your hiring process?

Whether it’s implementing technical assessments or measuring different parts of the hiring funnel, any organization can transform itself with data-driven recruiting in just a few easy steps.

Today we wanted to breakdown the first three steps to becoming a data-driven hiring machine.

1. Start with Why

Before you get into the steps of implementing a data-driven hiring process, you need to understand why it can benefit your organization and what you’re trying to accomplish.

Data-driven recruiting is beneficial for a variety of reasons. You might implement this process to: 

  • Save your team’s time
  • Start going beyond resumes and find hidden talent
  • Reduce bias 
  • Increase diversity 

What’s most important is you have to know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it! 

2. Pick Your Data-Driven Metrics

It’s one thing to say why and it’s a whole other thing to be able to measure the effectiveness of introducing data-driven recruiting. You need to know what you’re trying to accomplish so you can measure it before and after implementing data-driven recruiting. 

Some data-driven metrics you might measure include:

  • Offer acceptance rates
  • Onsite interview to hire ratio
  • Diversity of the pool of candidates over a time period

Just having a goal, or a why, won’t help you show measurable progress. Defining true metrics to measure during your implementation of data-driven recruiting enables you to clearly see a before and after.

3. Tell Good Stories

Humans aren’t inherently math or data people; we’re storytellers. We remember stories much more than we remember a statistic. So when you’re showcasing the impacts of data-driven recruiting at your organization, don’t just look at the numbers. Instead, look at interviewing the folks you hired through the process and how the process changed your internal hiring teams as well. 

You can also use stories of other organizations who have already implemented data-driven recruiting to showcase the potential benefits when you’re trying to sell this process internally. 

Change is hard, but it’s definitely possible!