Implementing a Redis-based Backend System
In this course, you'll build and maintain a Redis-based backend system. You will manage user data with expiration, implement sorted set leaderboards, handle transactions with pipelines, utilize Redis streams for event logging, and implement pub/sub for notifications.
Lessons and practices
Add User Data to Redis
Retrieving User Data from Redis
Adding Custom Expiration Time to User Data
Extending Expiration Time for User Data
Implementing Leaderboard with Redis
Retrieving Top N Users from Leaderboard
Implementing User Rank and Score Retrieval
Using Pipelines for User Data and Leaderboards
Checking User Existence Before Adding to Redis
Creating a User Activity Stream with Redis in PHP
Reading Entries from a Redis Stream in PHP
Publishing Messages to a Redis Channel in PHP
Handling Incoming Messages with Redis Pub/Sub in PHP
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