Mastering Redis for High-Performance Applications with PHP
Dive deeper into Redis’s persistence options, strategies for performance optimization, and working with Redis Streams. This expert-level course will prepare you to manage key expirations, utilize pub/sub messaging, and handle high-performance scenarios effectively.
Lessons and practices
Modify Stream Reading to Retrieve Limited Events
Practice Reading Redis Streams with PHP
Adding and Processing Events in Redis Streams with PHP
Working with Redis Streams in PHP
Managing Key Expiration in PHP with Redis
Extend the Expiration Time of a Redis Key in PHP
Managing Redis Key Expiration in PHP
Change the Channel and Message in PHP Pub/Sub
Fixing Redis Pub/Sub Channel Bug in PHP
Publishing Weather Updates with Redis Pub/Sub in PHP
Setting Up Redis Pub/Sub Messaging in PHP
Change Synchronous Snapshot to Asynchronous in Redis Using PHP
Backup and Restore Redis Snapshot
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