Introduction to C# Basics
Start your journey in C# with this course that covers the fundamental syntax and basics of the language. From writing your first message to handling basic mathematical operations, this course is designed to provide a strong introduction to the language. Join Cosmo, the Corgi Astronaut, as he ventures through the basics of C# to prepare for his intergalactic adventures.
Arrays and Collections Mastery in C#
This course dives into arrays and collections in C#. From understanding arrays to exploring dictionaries, this course guides you through handling different types of data formats in C#. Learn with Cosmo how to keep track of star coordinates and astronomical objects using arrays and collections.
Control Flow with C# Conditionals
Improve your logical reasoning and control flow management with this course on C# conditionals. Learn to make decisions in your C# programs by mastering if, else if, switch, and ternary operator concepts. Join Cosmo as he navigates through space, making critical mission decisions.
Take control of repetitive tasks with this course on C# loops. Learn the basics of while, do-while, for, and foreach loops, and manage loops effectively with break and continue statements. Assist Cosmo as he monitors ongoing space mission parameters.
Mastering Functions with C#
Dive into C# functions with this comprehensive course. Learn about creating functions, using parameters, setting parameters as optional, passing arguments by reference, and inline functions in C#. Join Cosmo as he programs various mission functions to control his spacecraft.
Object-Oriented Programming in C#
Embark on your journey of Object-Oriented Programming in C# with this course. Learn about classes, objects, methods, attributes, encapsulation, and inheritance, while also touching upon method overriding. Program space missions as Cosmo, defining classes and objects for various celestial entities.