Hashing, Dictionaries, and Sets in Java
Delve into Hashing, HashMaps, and HashSets in Java with this specialized course, exploring implementation, practical applications, and algorithmic problem-solving. Gain hands-on experience to confidently address data analysis and management challenges.
Sorting and Searching Algorithms in Java
This is a comprehensive course curated to convey fundamental and advanced understanding of sorting and searching algorithms. The course guides through different types and functionality of these algorithms, their complexity analysis, and the practical application in solving complex programming problems.
Advanced Data Structures - Stacks and Queues in Java
This advanced course furthers into the understanding and application of Stacks and Queues in Java. It explicates the inner workings, implementation, and complexities of these structures, with their effectiveness for resolving interview-focused algorithmic coding conundrums.
Fundamental Data Structures - Linked Lists in Java
This foundational course dives into the understanding and application of Linked Lists in Java. It elucidates the inner workings, implementation, and complexities of Linked Lists, along with their effectiveness for solving interview-focused algorithmic coding challenges.