Clean Code with Multiple Classes
Explore principles for maintaining clean code with multiple classes in C++. Learn about class collaboration, interfacing, abstract classes, managing dependencies, practicing polymorphism, and handling exceptions across classes.
Lessons and practices
Class Collaboration and Feature Envy Refactoring Task
Refactoring Message Chains in C++
Middle Man Code Smell Refactoring Task
Implementing Abstract Classes for Flexible Payments
Refactoring Payment Processing with Interfaces and Abstract Classes
Refactoring Document Processing with Abstract Classes in C++
Managing Class Dependencies in C++
Managing Class Dependencies in C++
Implementing the Factory Pattern in C++
Implementing Polymorphism in C++ with a Pure Virtual Class
Polymorphism in a Payment System
Mastering Polymorphism with Interfaces in C++
Enhancing Exception Handling in Transaction Processing
Enhancing Exception Handling in a Banking Application
Enhancing Exception Handling in C++ Library System
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