Introduction to Redis with PHP and Predis: The Basics
Redis is an in-memory data structure store used as a cache and message broker. This course introduces the essential concepts and operations of Redis, including connecting to a Redis server, working with numbers, performing basic operations, and handling data structures using PHP and Predis.
Lessons and practices
Changing Key-Value Pair
Multiline String Handling
Fixing Redis Key Retrieval Bug
Set and Read Value in Redis
Connecting to a Redis and Working With Values
Storing and Retrieving a Number
Adding Missing Code for Numeric Operations
Managing Numeric Values
Modifying Numeric Values
Fixing Numeric Operations
Increment and Decrement Numeric Values
Performing Numeric Operations
Using the LIndex Command
Modify Redis Code to Handle Numbers
Print First Two Students from Redis List
Fix the Bug in Redis List Index Access
Adding Movies to a List and Retrieving Them
Creating and Retrieving a List
Adding a New Field to a Hash
Retrieve Specific Field from a Hash
Fixing a Bug in Hash Reading
Storing and Retrieving Book Details
Store and Retrieve Travel Destination Details
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