In-Depth Exploration of Ruby Hashes and Their Practical Use
Deepen your understanding and application of hash data structures, concentrating on their use in counting and aggregation tasks. This course will enhance your ability to efficiently access and manipulate data using Ruby hashes.
Lessons and practices
Updating Library Catalog Title
Correcting a Hash Syntax to Retrieve a Book Title
Checking Book Availability in Library Catalog
Updating and Accessing Elements in a Hash
Creating a Simple Library Catalog in Ruby
Counting Book Genres in a Library
Tracking Book Copies in a Library
Counting Book Returns in the Library
Count Letter Frequency in a Sentence
Counting Book Copies in a Collection
Calculate Average Quantity of Items in Inventory
Finding the Minimum Quantity of a Fruit in Inventory
Inventory Statistics Analysis Task
Comparing Item Stock Levels to Average
Determine Maximum Vegetable Quantity in Inventory
Checking and Decrementing Book Copies
Identify and Fix the Book Information Display Bug
Library Inventory Management with Hashes
Count Appearances of Words in a String
Library Management System Using Hashes
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