GraphQL Mutations and Advanced Apollo Server
Go deeper into GraphQL by setting up data mutations, managing complex queries with parameters, and handling server-side subscriptions. Learn to utilize Apollo Server to manage mutations for creating, updating, and deleting resources.
Lessons and practices
Add Genre Field to Book Type in Apollo Server 4
Fix Issues in Apollo Server 4 Queries and Mutations
Add a Mutation to Delete a Song by ID in Apollo Server 4
Enhance Book Management with Bulk Mutations Using Apollo Server 4
Creating a GraphQL Server with Apollo Server 4
Modify GraphQL Server to Reference Publisher Instead of Author
Fixing Bugs in Apollo Server 4 with Nested Queries
Nested Resolvers with Apollo Server 4
Implementing Nested Queries in Apollo Server 4
Add Book Update Subscription in Apollo Server 4
Fixing GraphQL Subscriptions in Apollo Server 4
Implementing GraphQL Subscriptions in Apollo Server 4
Setting Up Real-Time GraphQL Subscription for Newly Added Magazines
Implement a Real-Time GraphQL Server with Subscriptions in Apollo Server 4
Fetch and Display Movie Data from an External API using Apollo Server 4
Fixing Bugs in Apollo Server 4 for Fetching Albums
GraphQL and Apollo Server 4: Superhero Data Integration
Setting Up a GraphQL Server to Fetch Movie Information
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