Lesson 1
Understanding and Implementing the Singleton Pattern in JavaScript
Understanding the Singleton Pattern

Welcome to the first lesson in our Creational Design Patterns course. We are starting with a powerful and widely used pattern: the Singleton Pattern. This pattern helps ensure that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it. Understanding this pattern is a fantastic first step on your journey to mastering creational design patterns.

Introducing the Singleton Pattern

The Singleton Pattern is one of the simplest and most commonly used design patterns in software development. Its primary purpose is to restrict the instantiation of a class to a single object. This pattern ensures that a class has only one instance, simplifying the management of shared resources and offering a global access point to that instance.

Implementing the Singleton Pattern is particularly useful for scenarios such as managing configuration settings, handling logging, or controlling access to a shared database connection. By following this pattern, you avoid the redundant creation of multiple instances and maintain consistent behavior across your application.

Imagine you are building an application that needs to load configuration settings from a file. If each module within the application creates its own instance of the configuration loader, you could end up with unnecessary duplicates and inconsistencies. By using the Singleton Pattern, you ensure that all parts of the application use the same instance of the configuration loader, thereby maintaining a consistent and efficient approach to configuration management.

Controlling Instance Creation

In JavaScript, you can use static methods and class properties to control instance creation. For the Singleton Pattern, this logic will check whether an instance of the class already exists. If it does, the existing instance is returned. Otherwise, a new instance is created and stored.

Here's how this looks in the context of the Singleton Pattern:

1class Singleton { 2 static instance = null; 3 4 static getInstance() { 5 if (Singleton.instance === null) { 6 Singleton.instance = new Singleton(); 7 } 8 return Singleton.instance; 9 } 10}

In this example:

  • The static class property instance is used to store the single instance of the class.
  • The static method getInstance checks if instance is null. If it is, meaning no instance has been created yet, it creates a new instance of the Singleton class.
  • The new instance is assigned to instance and returned.
  • If instance is not null, meaning an instance already exists, the existing instance is returned.

By following this approach, you ensure that only one instance of the class is ever created. This is the cornerstone of implementing the Singleton Pattern in JavaScript.

Real-World Example

Consider an example implementation of the Singleton Pattern with a Logger class.

1class Logger { 2 static instance = null; 3 4 static getInstance() { 5 if (Logger.instance === null) { 6 Logger.instance = new Logger(); 7 } 8 return Logger.instance; 9 } 10 11 log(message) { 12 console.log(message); 13 } 14} 15 16const logger = Logger.getInstance(); 17logger.log("Singleton pattern example with Logger."); // Output: Singleton pattern example with Logger. 18const anotherLogger = Logger.getInstance(); 19console.log(logger === anotherLogger); // This will print true, as only one instance should exist

In this example, the Logger class implements the Singleton Pattern to ensure only one instance is created.

  • The static class property instance is initialized to null and is used to store the single instance of the Logger.
  • The static method getInstance checks if instance is null (indicating no instance has been created). If so, it creates a new instance of Logger and assigns it to instance. If instance is not null, it simply returns the existing instance.
  • The log method demonstrates a basic operation for the Logger class by printing a message.

The example demonstrates this by creating two variables, logger and anotherLogger, both of which refer to instances of Logger. It prints a message using log and verifies that both variables reference the same instance with console.log(logger === anotherLogger), which outputs true. This confirms that the Singleton Pattern ensures only one instance of the Logger exists throughout the application's lifecycle.


The Singleton Pattern is critical for scenarios where exactly one object is needed to manage a specific task, such as logging, configuration settings, or managing database connections. By guaranteeing that only one instance of a class exists, you can avoid redundancy, save memory, and ensure consistent behavior throughout your application.

Understanding and implementing the Singleton Pattern will provide you with a robust tool for managing resources efficiently. It's a simple yet powerful way to improve your program's design and reliability. Let's dive in and learn how to apply this pattern effectively.

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