Make the right hires faster with CodeSignal

Learn why companies are making the switch to CodeSignal to elevate their technical hiring.

Smarter questions

Get results you can trust with Certified Evaluations that are created by experts, backed by science, and maintained by CodeSignal.

Make question leaks and plagiarism a concern of the past with thousands of calibrated question variations, proactive monitoring, proctored sessions, and automatic plagiarism detection.

Simpler process

With CodeSignal, you get recommendations, benchmarking, and integrations to optimize your hiring process.

​​Gain a strategic partner who looks at your entire funnel to help you benchmark your assessment KPIs against your industry and population at large, and identify areas for improvement.

Stronger platform

Empower your candidates to bring their best with a single integrated development environment (IDE) that simulates on-the-job experiences across a variety of roles, throughout the hiring process. 

With industry-leading features like a debugger, built-in terminal, and live front-end preview, candidates get a true “flight simulator” experience.

CodeSignal customers see remarkable results

Save $3 million (or more) for every 100 hires by using CodeSignal

Candidates that pass a CodeSignal evaluation are 6x more likely to receive an offer

Candidates rate their CodeSignal experience 9 out of 10

Solutions aligned to your business objectives

Your requirements How CodeSignal gets you there
Make the right hires, faster
Measures relevant skills accurately through validated, role-relevant questions
Predicts later-stage interview performance early in the hiring process
Accelerates your hiring process to move candidates to the offer stage faster
Predict job performance accurately
Develops & validates Certified Evaluations proven to predict job performance
Maintains assessments to minimize risk of question leaks & cheating
Reduce engineering time required for tech screening & interviews
Eliminates engineering time spent on first-round technical interviews
Increases number of qualified candidates in later rounds
Improve productivity of talent acquisition team
Empowers you to pre-screen large pools of talent at the top of the funnel
Increases access to talent with ability to scale
Streamline integrations & maintenance
Offers pre-built integrations with ATS providers, scheduling tools & more
Increase diversity on the engineering team
Allows you to cast a wider net to search for talent in more diverse pools
Reduce hiring bias with objective, research-backed technical skill evaluations
Mitigate risk of legal & compliance issues
Decreases risk of litigation due to biased hiring practices
Frees up teams to focus on core roles vs monitoring compliance changes or managing fallout

Don’t just take our word for it

It was critical that we use an assessment that is job-relevant, provides a strong signal that will lead to a good hire, while providing a great candidate experience and reducing the manual effort of my team. There is no way to do this at scale without CodeSignal.

Global Talent Selection Scientist

@ Large Social Media Company

CodeSignal has been an incredibly refreshing experience. We’ve used one of the other major vendors in this space prior to migrating to CodeSignal and the level of research and validation that CodeSignal is able to provide is simply not comparable.

Head of Selection Analytics

@ Large Financial Services Company

CodeSignal has not only allowed us to save countless hours of some of our most senior software engineers, but also enabled us to move much faster at a higher volume in our technical recruitment process.

Sr. Software Engineering Manager

@ Enterprise Cloud Storage Company

See the CodeSignal difference for yourself

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