
Thank you for joining us at #Beyond24!

Exploring the Skills that will Shape the Future

#Beyond24 was an incredible event, with an intimate audience and some of the brightest minds in technology, AI, technical hiring, and learning.

We had an exclusive discussion and unveiled new, visionary ideas that help both individuals and engineering teams level up with the skills that will define the future of tech.

We also introduced CodeSignal Learn and Cosmo, the smartest AI guide and tutor in the universe.

#Beyond24 Speakers

Bright minds in technology, AI, technical hiring, and learning

Steve Wozniak

Co-founder, Apple

Sal Khan

CEO, Khan Academy

Narine Hall, Ph.D.

CEO, InSpace Proximity

Chris Slowe

CTO, Reddit

Kylie Robison

Sr. Technology Reporter, Fortune

Tigran Sloyan

CEO, CodeSignal



Registration, networking, and refreshments


Mainstage session, including:

  • Fireside Chat with Sal Khan: How AI Completely Changes Learning for the Better
  • Panel: Defining and Solving the Tech Talent Problem
  • CodeSignal Keynote: Introducing the Future of Technical Skills

Networking reception, interactive activities, and swag giveaway

About CodeSignal

With CodeSignal, you’re not just assessing and building skills; you’re shaping the future. Wherever you are on your skills journey—whether you’re aiming to level up or building the next great team—CodeSignal’s skills assessments and AI-powered learning tools are designed to meet you there and get you where you need to go. Go beyond with CodeSignal.

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