Lesson 2
Refactoring Techniques in Go

Hello, Explorer! Today is about refactoring. Consider it like organizing your favorite toys in the toybox. We're going to learn about the Extract Function, Rename Function, and Substitute Algorithm refactorings. Refactoring helps us make our code cleaner and neater while keeping the functionality the same!

Refactoring Overview

Imagine having a complex map. Refactoring transforms it into simpler directions. Our code gets rearranged to make it more readable and efficient without altering what it does. Let's consider a small code snippet before and after refactoring:

1func Calculate(total float64, quantity int) float64 { 2 price := total / float64(quantity) 3 tax := price * 0.2 4 totalPrice := price + tax 5 return totalPrice 6}
1func CalculateTotalPrice(total float64, quantity int) float64 { 2 price := CalculatePrice(total, quantity) 3 tax := CalculateTax(price) 4 return price + tax 5} 6 7func CalculatePrice(total float64, quantity int) float64 { 8 return total / float64(quantity) 9} 10 11func CalculateTax(price float64) float64 { 12 return price * 0.2 13}

Both versions of the code do the same thing, but the latter is simpler and easier to understand!

Understanding the Extract Function

Imagine a large recipe for a complete breakfast. The Extract Function technique is like having separate recipes for eggs, toast, coffee, etc., instead of one large recipe. Take a look at this code:

1func GreetUser(username string) string { 2 username = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(username)) // Prepare the username 3 message := "Hello, " + username + "!" // Prepare the message 4 return message // Return the prepared message 5}
1func CleanUsername(username string) string { 2 return strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(username)) // Returns a cleaned version of the username 3} 4 5func GreetUser(username string) string { 6 username = CleanUsername(username) // Clean the username 7 message := "Hello, " + username + "!" // Prepare and return the message 8 return message 9}

Here, we moved the username preparation from GreetUser into its own function, CleanUsername. Nice and tidy!

Using Rename Function

Clear function names make it easy to understand our code, just as clear street names make navigating a city more accessible. Let's have a look at renaming a function:

1func Fx(x float64) float64 { 2 return 3.14 * (x * x) // Calculates a value that is pi times the square of x 3}
1func CalculateCircleArea(radius float64) float64 { 2 return 3.14 * (radius * radius) // Calculates the area of a circle with a given radius 3}

Renaming the function Fx to CalculateCircleArea makes it easier to understand its purpose.

Discovering Substitute Algorithm

A Substitute Algorithm involves replacing a part of a code (an algorithm) with a simpler one, analogous to discovering a faster route to school. Here's an example:

1func FindSmallest(numbers []int) int { 2 smallest := int(^uint(0) >> 1) 3 for _, num := range numbers { 4 if num < smallest { 5 smallest = num 6 } 7 } 8 return smallest 9}
1func FindSmallest(numbers []int) int { 2 if len(numbers) == 0 { 3 return 0 // or other appropriate error value based on context 4 } 5 smallest := numbers[0] 6 for _, num := range numbers { 7 if num < smallest { 8 smallest = num 9 } 10 } 11 return smallest 12}

Here, we manually find the smallest number in a slice of integers using a loop, without any extra libraries.

Lesson Summary

Great work! We've learned how to use the Extract Function, Rename Function, and Substitute Algorithm to keep our code clean and efficient. Now, it's time for some hands-on practice with real examples. Remember, practice makes perfect. Let's do some refactoring!

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