Lesson 1
Command-Like Behavior in Ruby Using Procs and Blocks
Introduction to Command-Like Behavior

Welcome to another essential part of our journey into Behavioral Patterns in Ruby programming. In this lesson, we will explore command-like behavior, a technique that is instrumental in promoting flexible and reusable code through Ruby's dynamic features.

You might recall from previous lessons that behavioral design patterns focus on object communication and responsibility distribution within your software. Ruby's command-like behavior encapsulates actions using procs and blocks, allowing users to easily handle queues, requests, and operations in a more fluid and dynamic manner.

What You'll Learn

In this lesson, you will learn how to implement command behavior in Ruby using its dynamic capabilities. We will use modules to define reusable behavior and leverage Ruby's ability to treat methods as first-class objects. Instead of relying on interfaces and concrete classes as in other languages, Ruby allows us to create more fluid and composable solutions.

We will illustrate this with a simple example, starting with a Light class that includes on and off methods, which output messages to the console:

1# Define a Light class with methods to turn the light on and off 2class Light 3 # Method to turn the light on 4 def on 5 puts "Light is on." 6 end 7 8 # Method to turn the light off 9 def off 10 puts "Light is off." 11 end 12end

Next, we will define command behavior using Ruby’s Proc and create procs that represent turning the light on and off. These procs can be assigned to a simple RemoteControl class to emulate the command pattern:

1# Instantiate a new Light object 2light = Light.new 3 4# Create a proc to represent turning the light on 5light_on = proc { light.on } 6 7# Create a proc to represent turning the light off 8light_off = proc { light.off } 9 10# Define a RemoteControl class to set and execute commands 11class RemoteControl 12 def initialize 13 # Initialize with no command set 14 @command = nil 15 end 16 17 # Method to set the current command 18 def set_command(command) 19 @command = command 20 end 21 22 # Method to execute the command if one is set 23 def press_button 24 @command.call if @command 25 end 26end 27 28# Instantiate a new RemoteControl object 29remote = RemoteControl.new 30 31# Set the command to turn the light on and execute it 32remote.set_command(light_on) 33remote.press_button 34 35# Set the command to turn the light off and execute it 36remote.set_command(light_off) 37remote.press_button
Use Cases of Command-Like Behavior

The command-like approach in Ruby is versatile and can be applied in various scenarios. For example:

  1. Blocks and Procs for Callbacks: Ruby's ability to easily pass blocks and procs makes it ideal for implementing callback functions and event handling.

  2. Undo and Redo Operations: Use procs to maintain and replay the history of operations.

  3. Macro Commands: Gather several blocks or procs in one container and execute them sequentially to form macro commands.

  4. DSLs and Metaprogramming: Ruby's metaprogramming capabilities allow you to create domain-specific languages (DSLs), where command behavior is scripted naturally using syntax familiar to Ruby's style.

  5. Dynamic Method Dispatch: Ruby's dynamic nature allows for flexible substitution of method implementations at runtime, making adaptation to different command patterns seamless.

Pros and Cons of Command-Like Behavior


  • Flexibility: Leveraging Ruby's blocks and procs offers immense flexibility and simplifies the implementation of command-like structures.
  • Simplicity: Creating command behavior without undue complexity is one of Ruby's strengths, avoiding excessive class hierarchies.
  • Readability: Ruby's syntax is clean and expressive, making the implementation of commands easy to read and understand.


  • Performance Overhead: Using procs and lambdas can introduce slight performance penalties compared to standard method calls.
  • Dynamic Nature Risks: The flexibility of Ruby’s metaprogramming can lead to hard-to-debug issues if not used with caution.
Why It Matters

Understanding command-like behavior in Ruby is crucial for writing maintainable and scalable code. Utilizing Ruby’s dynamic features, such as blocks and procs, allows developers to create elegant and concise code that is easy to modify and extend.

Consider the example of a smart home system. By using Ruby’s command-like behavior, you can easily issue commands to various devices in a consistent manner. Adding new commands becomes straightforward, enhancing code flexibility and reducing maintenance costs.

Exciting, right? Learning to implement command-like behavior using Ruby’s dynamic nature will enhance your ability to design robust software systems. Let's dive into the practice section to get hands-on experience!

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